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What happens when the kids sleep at night? The Otherworld opens up and dark creatures lurks ... Hopefully, their beloved toys are there to keep them from being harmed!

In The Otherworld, you play a toy that protects his kid from evil. Whimsical, well written and fantastic. There is a whole bedtime story feel to the book and the idea of playing a toy is fun!

Great job!

(1 edit)

I have a question I would like you to tell me.

On page 3, it says that the items the PC has are d10, but on page 4, the items the sample has are all d8. I would like to know the difference.

That's an oversight - good catch! The toys begin with a d10 item. I'll update the example characters to reflect that. Thank you!

Glad I could help!

Thank you for the interesting game.

I translated this game into Japanese, can I publish it?

↓ Japanese version

As long as it has the right credits. Thanks for the interest! The extra character sheet looks good!

Thank you! I will check the credits carefully and publish it.

I'm thinking of playing this game.

In this game, are the toys adventuring alone or with their children?

The game can be played either way! Most random promps in the tables suggest they're travelling alone though.

Thank you!